Learn about Moringa
Study of Meat Quality of Goats Fed Rice Straw Supplemented with Moringa
It may be concluded that the inclusion of Moringa foliage to the diet of goats at 67.2% or 3.4% of LW increased the ratio of PUFA to SFA, and decreased the ratio of PUFA n-6 to n-3 significantly (P<0.01) in both LD (longissimus dorsi) and ST (semitendinosus) muscles without affecting the dietary intake and daily gain. The significant antioxidant potential of Moringa foliage was indicated by the linearly reduction of lipid oxidation (r2=85 for LD muscle and r2=95 for ST muscle) with increasing supplementation of Moringa foliage up to that levels. Therefore, supplementation of the diet of goats with Moringa foliage up to that level may help to increase antioxidant activity in muscles of goat and to produce meat with more desirable PUFA and less SFA.
Moringa: A Green Wonder for Supporting Your Horse’s Immune System
Moringa is a green wonder that offers a plethora of health benefits for horses, particularly in supporting their immune systems. With its rich nutritional profile and natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, Moringa can be a valuable addition to your horse’s diet.
Replacing alfalfa-based total mixed ration with Moringa leaves for improving carcass and meat quality characteristics in lambs
This research investigated the effects of replacing alfalfa with Moringa spp. In lamb diets. It’s concluded that the inclusion of Moringa spp. had positive impacts on carcass attributes and meat quality of lambs. Tenderness and water-holding capacity were
improved, while non-carcass components and fluid loss during cooking were reduced. Moringa spp. also enhanced texture parameters and decreased fat deposition in specific depots. The current study by using Moringa spp. as a dietary alternative provides valuable insights for livestock producers aiming to enhance meat production and quality sustainably and cost-effectively. -
Effects of Moringa oleifera on Glycaemia and Insulin Levels: A Review of Animal and Human Studies
In general, Moringa leaves (MO) have been reported to be of possible benefit for several
chronic diseases including cardiovascular conditions, liver diseases, cancer, insulin resistance, and diabetes. Ingestion or treatment with MO induces robust changes in glycaemia levels. All animal studies included in this review reported a significant reduction either in glycaemia or in glucose tolerance tests. Regardless of the tree part used (leaves, seeds or fruit), or the type of extract (powder, aqueous, methanolic or ethanolic), all diabetes animal models showed a significant reduction of glycaemia in diabetic animals treated with MO as compared with diabetic controls. The evidence for acute antihyperglycemic effects of MO extract on diabetic animal models seems to be robust.Read Full Study Here
In conclusion the rations containing moringa leaves could be used economically and successfully for fattening lambs since it improved daily gain, feed efficiency and economic efficiency. On the other hand, soybean meal could be replaced by moringa leaves which could result in improving animal performance and increase the net revenue which represent a partial solution for the high price of soybean meal.
Due to this recent interest in moringa, feeding trials using fresh moringa have been performed with many types of animals such as pigs, goats and creole cows.
Growth Performance of Sirohi Goat Kids Fed Different Levels of Moringa oleifera leaves
Based on the results of the present study, it was concluded that feeding of Moringa oleifera leaves replacing concentrate feed improved body weights and average daily body weight gain as well as feed intake and overall health of Sirohi goat kids. Moringa oleifera leaves can be used as an alternate for concentrate feed in the diet of goat kids due to its high crude protein contents. It is recommended that replacing Moringa oleifera leaves at 75% (T4) with concentrate feed could be used as a cheap protein supplement for goat kids.
Moringa oleifera as a Natural Alternative for the Control of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Equines
Given the need to generate an alternative for the control of gastrointestinal parasites
that are presenting resistance to synthetic drugs in horses, Moringa oleifera represents an alternative that is not only natural, but also ecological for the control of these parasites -
Now Learn Aging Horses' Secret Weapon...
Known for its impressive nutritional profile and numerous health benefits, moringa is emerging as a valuable ally in supporting aging horses and promoting joint health.
Study of effect of supplementation of Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) on the production performance of lactating Murrah buffalo under loose housing system
Buffaloes provide more than one-third of Asia's total milk and are the world's second-largest milk producer. Buffaloes are prized for their meat and draught (Bandyopadhyay et al. 2003). In South Asia, water buffaloes are the primary source of milk. India and Pakistan are the world's leading producers of water buffalo milk, with buffaloes producing more milk than cattle (FAO, 2022). There are roughly 207 million buffaloes in the world, with more than 97 percent living in Asia, 2% in Africa, mainly Egypt, 0.7 percent in South America, and less than 0.2 percent in Australia and Europe. From the present study results, it can be concluded that the Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) supplementation up to 150 grams in buffaloes ration did not result in any adverse effect on performance of lactating buffaloes. It is inferred that MOLM supplementation in ration increases production performance in terms of milk yield as well as improve milk fat, SNF, lactose, 6% FCM and total solids. MOLM supplementation also improves the peak yield and persistency period of peak yield and maintain the peak yield for longer period. -
Moringa - The New Superfood on the Block
Moringa has been proven to be beneficial for disease prevention and long-term health issues. It is currently being used to assist with pet ailments such as cancer, obesity, digestive problems and diabetes. -
How To Use Moringa in Horses
The entire moringa plant is of benefit, the seeds can be used as a natural dewormer for horses. The branches are perfect feed supplement that horses can nibble one while the leaf extract can be added to the horse feed -
Evaluation of Therapeutic Efficacy of Moringa oleifera Leaves on Acute Liver Failure in Dogs
The Evaluation of the therapeutic potential of Moringa oleifera leaves on acute liver failure (ALF) in dogs in different treatment groups were studied and it was observed that acute liver failure cases under treatment groups III in which Moringa oleifera extract (act as hepatoprotectant) was given found to be most efficacious as evident by the improvement in clinical recovery in term of abolishment of clinical signs after treatment.